Pineapple Marzipan Snack Cakes

Category: Pastries / Bread / Cake





  1. Put the marzipan and butter into a bowl and mix until smooth.

  2. Stir in the sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs.

  3. Mix the flour, baking powder and rolled oats, add to the bowl and stir everything into a smooth batter.

  4. Drain the pineapple, cut into small pieces and fold under the batter.

  5. Grease baking pans, dust with rolled oats and fill with batter.

  6. Put the baking pans on a rack in the oven. Heat the oven at 160°C with the hot air function and bake the cakes for about 25–30 minutes.



Recipe for 12 cakes:

200 g marzipan

175 g butter or margarine

150 g sugar

1 packet vanilla sugar

3 eggs

200 g flour

100 g rolled oats

2 tsp. baking powder

200 g pineapple pieces

Grease for the baking pans

Rolled oats for dusting


Appliance: Oven
Function: Hot air
Temperature: 160 °C


Nutritional information

Carbohydrates 495 g

Protein 51 g

Fat 233 g


Calories / bread units

Recipe 4409 kcal 

Portion 367 kcal

Portion 3,4 BU