Salmon fillet

Category: Main course





  1. Lay the salmon fillets out on the perforated baking tray of the steam oven and slide the tray into the steam oven. Place a solid oven tray underneath.
  2. Set the steam oven at 70 °C on the steam function and let the salmon fillets steam for about 15 minutes.
  3. Wash, clean and pat the spinach dry.
  4. Wash, cut in halve and slice the zucchini. Place a pan on the hob and sauté the zucchini in 1 tablespoon of oil.
  5. Wash, pluck and finely chop the dill.
  6. Wash the lemon and cut in half. Cut one half in slices. Squeeze out the second half.
  7. Put the sour cream with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and dill in a bowl and stir. Season with salt and pepper.
  8. To serve, spread some baby spinach and zucchini on the plates, place a salmon fillet on top and drizzle with the dill and sour cream sauce.






Ingredients (4 servings):


4 salmon fillets (100 g each)

200 g baby spinach or lamb's lettuce

1 small zucchini

1 Tbsp oil

1 bunch dill

200 g sour cream

1 lemon




Appliance: Steamer


Nutritional information

Carbohydrates  16 g

Protein 83 g

Fat 77 g


Calories  / bread units (BU)

Recipe 1113 kcal

Serving 278 kcal

Serving 0,3 BU