Rice and tomato tower

Category: Side Dish


  1. Put the rice with water and a pinch of salt in a pot. Put the pot on the hob and bring the water to a boil at the highest hob setting. Then turn the heat down and let simmer until the rice is cooked.
  2. Peel and finely dice the onions and garlic.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalk and cut into fine pieces too.
  4. Wash the basil, dab dry, pluck the leaves and chop finely (put a few leaves aside for garnish).
  5. Place a grill pan on the stove and heat up using a high hob setting. Add the oil, onion and garlic cubes and braise until glassy.
  6. Add tomatoes and basil and mix everything together. Season with salt and pepper. Take the pan off the heat.
  7. To serve, place serving rings on the plates. Fill the rings alternately with the diced tomatoes and rice until a small tower is created. Carefully pull off the ring and garnish the turret with basil.






Ingredients (for about 4 people):

250 g rice

500 ml water

1 pinch salt

2 onions

1 clove garlic

1 Tbsp oil

6 tomatos

1 bunch basil


Pepper, freshly ground


Aplliance:  hobs


Nutritional information:

Carbohydrates 88 g

Protein 17 g

Fat 13 g


Calories / bread units (BU):

Recipe 548 kcal

Serving 137 kcal

Serving 1,8 BE